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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Our latest escapade takes us into the mind of a great physicist Albert Einstein, who's theories involve moving very fast.

What isn't commonly known is the fact that he didn't just theorise, he built a near light speed car to confirm results from his famous equations of special relativity. He wasn't discovered in this way as he was moving quite quickly.

We discovered this fact by building a faster than light speed car, using a regular microwave and a conservative manifesto. The car (which we have no idea how it managed to travel at the speed of light, perhaps to flee the budget cuts? #politicalhumour) destroyed the fabric of space-time, creating a wormhole and landing us in Einstein's living room in the 1930's.

We walked into his garage as he was polishing his new wheels. We put our car into a lower power mode and followed him. He happens to come across a traffic light. He observes it to be green, however it was red. This is due to a relativistic Doppler shift caused by the relative motion of Einstein and the light. German police saw right through his excuse and issued him a speeding ticket, and HPM an incorrect time existence tax. Luckily, due to inflation over the past 80 years it only cost us £0.20, so no harm done.

As we were being interviewed, we had a chance of talking to Einstein. As none of us speak German there were a few issues, but he is a delightful gentleman.

We embrace his theories and accept his results in our every day use. Not many of us realise we can take advantage of his findings and produce something very useful, as shown below.

This technique commonly used by Chuck Norris' Fist. And Phil Lightfoot.

This does not follow experimental evidence however, as it would require an infinitely large frictionless surface to test on (Physics ALWAYS has this issue however.

That's all for now, expect updates more frequently!
Solving the little questions, Tobias (Toblerone, Trollbias, Gout-Related-Pun, The crutched one)