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Tuesday 14 December 2010

Greetings Earthlings!

We come in peace!

Hello all of you glorious people first witnessing this blog!
This blog is dedicated to all of the best moments of studying Physics at York University
Along with plenty of physics banter provided by the respective authors!
Artists Rendition using Microsoft Paint.

In other news, please vote in our current poll, located to your right! It's seriously important, certainly more important than your lab report/weekly problems/essays/octopush tournament.... The winning lecture will be featured in an blog post, and we will reward him/her/it with cookies!!!!

Now I leave you with a Joke! (Please don't hurt me)
Two hydrogen atoms are standing at a level crossing about to cross a busy road.
One of the hydrogens stops the other and exclaims "I've lost my electron!"
The other inquires "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm completely positive!!!!!"

Disclaimer: No hydrogen atoms were ionised in the making of this joke.
Once you collect yourself from the hysterics that put you into, I bid you a good evening
Love from Tobes

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Play nicely, no dividing by zero :)