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Saturday 25 December 2010

The physics of Santa Claus

Ho ho homogeneous second order differential equation to all!
My thoughts last night were on the big red one himself. Think of all of those billions of people he has to give presents to, all the cookies and sherry he gets through in an evening... Lets have a look at some numbers here folks.
If he flew over every house, of which there are at least 1,000,000,000 (That's a billion), and there is a distance of about 30 metres between each house (on average) that means he travels a distance of 30,000,000,000m in the evening (the same distance light travels in about 100 seconds).
As he visits all of the time zones, he has 24 hours to complete his route. The speed of the sleigh can be derived from this information: 1250000km/s (Ignoring relativistic effects, which we shouldn't as this speed is 0.417c. Hey, It's Christmas).
This speed is hard to obtain in Earth's Atmosphere. However, as Santa can make any present, and I asked for a super-powerful magnet for Christmas and did not get one, it is safe to say he stole it and his sleigh is powered by magnets.
As for the vast quantity of food and drink, He is clearly American enough to eat all of the cookies, and Yorkshire enough to hold his tipple (no, I am NOT Santa).

Here's a holiday problem you can solve yourselves! The first answer submitted by a reader (authors not included) will win a box of Leibniz Biscuits! more chocolate than a biscuit!

Solve the differential equation:
dy =  (2y)                   (the denominator is 2 squared add 4!!!)

dx     (x^2)

 Submit answers to Include your name and your favourite colour (For the lols)!!!

Here's a cracker style joke for you all to share!Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
To get to the same side!

Now, I bid thee Happy Holidays. Fare thee well,

1 comment:

  1. edit: the denominator is x squared. Curse my proofreading skills....


Play nicely, no dividing by zero :)